Still No Hope For Mkts. Recovery

Yes guys! As per technicals still there is no hope for recovery in mkts.  However, discrete bounce-backs are not be ruled out.

Last Friday (07.05.2010), however, we fared well in trades of
  • ABB from 672 to 695    = 23Pts Gain
  • LT   from 1500 to 1515 = 15Pts Gain
  • RCOM from 151 to 153 = 2Pts Gain

TOTAL 23+15+2 = 40 Pts. Gain.

Com on guys! I must say that it's a good gain in only last 3Hrs. of mkts.

On Monday i'm going to do scalping in Hindalco on my new trade-setup just for change of test.
People not interested may safely ignore calls on Hindalco on Monday.

It is not always safe to short Mkts. intraday. Anytime intraday recovery may happen as these days one(FIIs) is selling and others(DII) are ready to buy in bulks. Do not do what others are doing. I'm writing this for those specially who burnt their finger in shorts last Friday despite my repeated warnings.



  1. where do u give out levels for buying nd selling. is it all in ur head or in other words, is it what ur doing? im asking cause i dont see any daywise specific recos anywhere !


  2. Dear Anonymous

    First, have a name. You r right. Where r the reccos? Well, surf my March-2010 blog postings and of year 2009. You will know. I post reccos beforehand when mkts are playing normal. And not when it is taking wild swings. In such cases i decide my levels during mkt hrs.

    On line services & NiftyFuts trades are available to select few people.

