Bak-Bak i.e. How I Trade IntraDay - Update 18.05.2010

Bak-Bak : My thoughtless messages. Better to not to read if you want to be in good health in mkts - LOL. Here you will find my technical interpretation and my view on mkts. Also i will post chart pattern which lead me to take (intra-day) trades.

BAK-BAK on BANKRAJAS- trade taken on 18-05-2010.
The news  'ICICI bank takeover' came later after the games were done. However, my TA was telling such news to come way - earlier than today. Watch my NEXT-MOVE indicator drawn on EOD chart & price movement.

My next chart on this counter tells the undergoing story that were going on before the news plotted on VMACD & Simple Momentum Oscillator.

It must hold 95-98 LEVELs to remain in uptrend & LT Tgt - 122 & 164.

BAK-BAK on LT & PNB Intra-DAy Trade
Our Trade On LT Dt- 17-05-2010 (Price-Momentum Chart)
(Come-on! I never watch TVs while trading. Fully rely on Price Vs Volume Behavior. They tells about every hidden news - which i came to know after mkt hrs.)

Our Trade On PNB Dt - 17-05-2010 (Price Momentum Chart) 
