A Very Welcome Loss!
After such a long time loss of some points. No problem. Any unforeseen move/activity/development during mkt. hrs. force mkts. to take wild swings. Today see this China! It happened today!. For me, it does not matter call is firing or not. What I ensure is that it does not go in opposite way very badly.
However, I made it very clearly to remain long only if Nifty is able to sustain above 4430 levels. It did not append. Therefore most the people did not took the trade and came out with few profit/loss.
However lets see :
STER@ avg 5 points profit
ALBK @ 1 pts right fired at the beginning itself.
AUROPHARM@ from 647 to 657 10 pts. Members could not resist therefore again from 640 to 650 10 more pts. Profit 20 points.
CHENNPETR while averaging came out flat.
CAIRN@ cmp and lower avg loss 8 pts.
Nifty Swings = 54pts profit.
Net Profit = 5 + 1 + 20 - 8 + 54 =
72 points profit.
By the way,
have you seen how 3IINFOTECH has fired!. Tomorrow book profit if it remains below 78 levels on closing basis or is not able to clear throttle of 80 levels.
Wait some more time for UNITECH. If not fires, we should be ready to book LOSS.