Trades on NiftyFuts - Performance Marks

Date : 02-12-2009
5150 - 5125 = 25
5140 - 5110 = 30
5135 - 5115 = 20
Total Gain = 75Pts Gain.

Date : 03-12-2009

5140-5180 = 40
5150-5120 = 30
Total Gain = 70Pts Gain.

Date : 04-12-2009
5120 - 5160 =40
5150 - 5090 =60
5100 - 5125 =25
Total Gain = 40+60+25=125PTs.
Wait friends!
I'm coming to stock specific too. Give me some time.


  1. hi, mayank here

    where r the recos to buy ??

  2. Dear Mayank
    This blog was started upon a challenge of gaining 5000Pts from this bullshit mkt. by this year.
    The challenger ultimately accepted the defeat upon seeing pace of score and vicinity of tgt. On the other hand followers of this blog have become richer than me.

    That's why this blog is resting now and also i'm these days not having much of the time to devote in mkts.

    This blog will zoom again with its recommendations in short span with some new facilities.
