As u all know about my past performances for last few years in intra-day & swing trades. Incurring loss in any of the trade were unknown to us.
But these days what i see that we have to take Stop Loss - which have not been our fashion in our trades.
Therefore, while keeping view of some of the recent (intra-day) recommendations i have decided to fine tune the way of proceeding to trade. As we are experiencing low volume in the mkt (few people are participating the mkt), it has become very easy to show the power of money by BIG people. Any time they are able to pump & dump scrip of their choice. For ex. look today the tick chart of TECHM & TATACHEM. Numerous such example are there.
As u all know about my past performances for last few years in intra-day & swing trades. Incurring loss in any of the trade were unknown to us.
But these days what i see that we have to take Stop Loss - which have not been our fashion in our trades.
Therefore, while keeping view of some of the recent (intra-day) recommendations i have decided to fine tune the way of proceeding to trade. As we are experiencing low volume in the mkt (few people are participating the mkt), it has become very easy to show the power of money by BIG people. Any time they are able to pump & dump scrip of their choice. For ex. look today the tick chart of TECHM & TATACHEM. Numerous such example are there.
Therefore, from next day i will -
a) minimize the no. of recommendations of scrips.
b) will put a '*' mark with the name of scrip. This mark will denote that - the scrip is at pressure point. And could blast any side. Initially readers will be told about its tilt. However it can take u turn on mkt opening (like it happened with EVERONN today - on 30-09-2009). Friends/Followers are advised to wait a bit - take loss of few pts. and reverse the trade if scip takes u turn.
c) and i'm sure the '*' marked scrips will provide hefty returns on the trade, as it has happened in past.
From now on friends - be prepared to change the direction of trade swiftly.
From now on friends - be prepared to change the direction of trade swiftly.
New comers pl learn to adjust with the mkt conditions. Talk to me only on yahoo messenger. Very soon u will be provided with the link of Swing Trade page too.